Australian Owned and Designed Rocket Stoves

New Releases

The Emu

Our most compact, flightless rocket stove. Back-pack-able!

The Field

Running from Dingo’s? You can pick up this beauty while its still hot!

The Pizza Oven

Best value for money, super-efficient wood-fired pizza oven on the market. 

Heirloom Quality Rocket Stoves & BBQS.

Light, but strong. Well built, but well priced.


Ever wondered how we got started? Well, it all began in our backyard with a big dream and a little Aussie family. From tinkering in the garage to crafting premium quality rocket stoves, we’ve come a long way. Want to know more? Dive into our story below!

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Maybe some of our ponderings may encourage you?

The Rocket Stove Pizza Oven

The Rocket Stove Pizza Oven

Who doesn’t like pizza, woodfired pizza to boot? Our final exam at TAFE was to build a pizza oven. My teachers were highly practical, like that time...

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